
Hi I’m Shaun Dellenty, thanks for visiting my site.

I am an author and lots of other things too….

Quick facts: I was born in 1968, I won’t eat a thing that comes out of the sea and I’m totally addicted to red wine gums.

Some people remark that I’m akin to national treasures Dr Who and James Bond, but only in that I’ve had varied professional incarnations, starting in a record shop before moving into civil service and town planning. I then became an Equity card holding professional actor/presenter/voiceover artist (with roles in theatre, children’s television and soap operas including Emmerdale) before studying for primary education, school leadership and school improvement consultancy. In 2019 Bloomsbury published my first book ‘Celebrating Difference’ which was recommended in Parliament even before it had landed on book shelves.

I have known I am gay for as long as I can remember knowing my own name; no ‘lifestyle’ choice involved, just nature and my parents. For which, by the way, I am unapologetic, proud and grateful, for it is me. And no, I really don’t need you to pray for me thanks, I’m all good.

Back in 2009, in response to endemic LGBT+ bullying and racism in UK schools, I devised a now multi-award winning education training programme ‘Inclusion For All’ (latterly known as ‘Celebrating Difference’) unexpectedly leading me to become an international LGBT+ inclusion advocate and change maker. I helped paved the way for LGBT+ inclusion in primary schools, faith schools and initial teacher training especially. In May 2016 I was honoured by the UK Prime Minster for services to education and LGBT+ communities. The Independent on Sunday named me one of the 100 most influential LGBT+ people in the U.K. and I was named a ‘Pride Hero’ by Pride In London. In 2020 I was named one the world’s top 100 diversity leads at a fabulous ceremony in Mumbai and got home just in time for lockdown.

My LGBT+ work regularly features in UK and international media. I have supported numerous teacher trade unions, anti-bullying and human rights organisations in the UK, including the NSPCC, Amnesty International and Show Racism The Red Card to develop their inclusion strategies. I’m a regular speaker at global LGBT+ Pride and History Month events. I’ve delivered LGBT+ training to the Church of England and at the House of Commons and advised on government and party policy in respect of LGBT+ inclusion in the U.K. and overseas. I recently had the privilege of supporting the entire Isle of Man education community to become LGBT+ inclusive and I am currently involved in a pan-European project involving eight countries.

I also deliver inspirational talks and after dinner speeches and lectures in schools, universities and businesses in the UK and abroad, recounting my varied professsional life experiences and of growing up gay and of thriving after experiencing significant homophobia and bullying in the 1980s. I speak about the need for self-care and positive mental health, having suffered with depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder, but I hope, in a uplifting and hopeful manner.

When I am not attempting to make the world a more compassionate place for all naturally diverse human beings, I am a very long term devotee of the long running BBC television series ‘Dr Who’ and the American series  ‘Twin Peaks’ created by David Lynch and Mark Frost. I have written about both shows for the national press.  I enjoy reflecting upon pop culture, (especially of the 1980s) and I have written a number of related articles on these subjects for The Huffington Post and various other online sources. I recently made a return to my roots with film/TV appearances and new voiceover work; I’m keen to develop these opportunities further. I am also a teacher of mindfulness.

I enjoy live music, reading, meditation, nature, snowsports, cinema, theatre, dog walking, working out, eating out, travelling and having the occasional boogie whilst I still can. I married my long term partner at the Houses of Parliament in July 2016 but sadly our schnauzer Tauzer was unable to attend due to Parliamentary red-tape, which was a real shame as he was carrying the ring….

I am bearded and I am a very big fan of beards, oh I once performed standup onstage at the legendary Royal Vauxhall Tavern.

I have a website dedicated to my LGBT+ inclusion work through which writing commissions, training, personal appearances and speaking engagements can be requested www.shaundellenty.com and it would be lovely if you kindly followed me on Twitter @ShaunDellenty https://twitter.com/ShaunDellenty

I maintain a page dedicated to my LGBT+ inclusion advocacy; please head over and ‘like’ for news, updates, resources, videos and competitions.


Finally there are more of my videos and TV appearances at this You Tube channel, please head over and subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/c/OfficalShaunDellentyVideoChannelIFA

Thanks again for your kind visitation,

Be kind, be safe, be proud, be you.

Shaun Dellenty July 2020